
I grew up in Santiago, Chile, where I went to school and later to Universidad de Chile to do my undergrad and master in Astronomy which I finished in 2015. My master thesis under the supervision of Prof. Simon Casassus was about studying asymmetric structure (warps and dust traps) in protoplanetary discs using multiwavelength observations and radiative transfer models.

I then moved to the UK in 2015 to start a 3 year PhD at the University of Cambridge under the supervision of Prof. Mark Wyatt. My thesis consisted of using ALMA observations to constrain the structure of exoKuiper belts (debris discs) and the inward transport of material via planet scattering. The latter could be important for volatile delivery to Earth-sized planets in the Habitable zone.

In 2018 I moved to Heidelberg, Germany, to work as a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA), in Dir. Thomas Henning's disk and exoplanet group. At MPIA I continued doing research of exoKuiper belts, focusing on how the volatiles released from exoKuiper belts evolve in time and producing the first population synthesis models of gas. I also continued my study of the radial structure of exoKuiper belts.

In October 2020 I moved back to the UK to start a 3 year research fellowship at Jesus College, University of Cambridge, and hosted at the Institute of Astronomy, where I continued my investigation of exoKuiper belts, focusing on their radial structure.

In January 2023 I started a proleptic research fellowship position at the University of Exeter after being awarded a University Research Fellowship by the Royal Society. Below I summarise my career and awards.

Curriculum vitae updated on January 2025

Education & Positions

Royal Society University Research Fellow, University of Exeter, UK
Research fellow, Jesus College & Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Postdoctoral researcher, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany
PhD in Astronomy, Insitute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, UK
MS in Astronomy with highest honours, Universidad de Chile, Chile
BS in Astronomy with highest honours, Universidad de Chile, Chile

Jan 2023 - present
Oct 2020 - Dec 2022
Nov 2018 - Sep 2020
Oct 2015 - Oct 2018
Mar 2014 - Jul 2015
Mar 2010 - Dec 2013

Scholarships & Awards

Royal Society University Research Fellowship for 5+3 years
Research fellowship University of Cambridge, granted by Jesus College (1 position/400 applicants)
Shortlisted for Elsevier early career award, top young researcher in physical sciences in the UK
NASA Hubble/Sagan fellowship, declined to take position at MPIA, Heidelberg
Murdin Prize, best student publication of the year at Institute of Astronomy
Cambridge Trust Scholarship, 3-year PhD. full funding
Chilean CONICYT scholarship, 2-year MS full funding. I obtained the highest score in the country
Ranked first of my class over 4 years of undergraduate studies
Outstanding student, in top 5% of 5,000 students at the faculty of physical and mathematical sciences
