
During my research I have been developing python scripts and software to analyse data and to simulate astrophysical processes. Below you can find some python packages and modules that you may find useful (my github).

Exogas - is a python package that simulates the evolution of gas in a debris disc including:

  • Viscous evolution
  • CO photodissociation due to ISRF
  • CO self-shielding
  • Carbon shielding considering it is well mixed or in an upper layer
  • (optional and under testing) carbon capture and CO reformation

Disc2Radmc - is a python package that allows to create parametric debris disc models that can be fed into RADMC3D to produce simulated images of dust and gas. The disc models can be very flexible and include features such as:

  • Multiple dust and gas species
  • Asymmetric distributions
  • Complex vertical distributions
  • Simple functions to execute RADMC3D and convert its outputs into fits files.

Python modules - a collection of python modules I have written:

  • Chi2_simvis_c - Cython function that simulates visibilities given a model image and visibility table, and computes its χ2.
  • functions_casa - python functions for CASA
  • functions_collcasacde - python functions to simulate the size distribution evolution due to collisions in a debris discs (Marino et al. 2017).
  • functions_gas_evol_0D - python functions to simulate the evolution of CO and carbon gas considering viscous evolution and phtodissociation (Kral, Marino et al. 2019).
  • functions_image - python functions to analyse images, e.g. compute radial and azimuthal profiles of discs.
  • functions_orbits - python functions to work with orbital elements and outputs from N-body simulations.